Friday, September 11, 2009


CD Album order form

Intasure Spring Regatta 2010

The CD contains images of medium resolution which is great for viewing on your Computer Screen or for printing post card size photographs.

The CD also contains Picasa Software which will allow you to present a slide show.

The Picasa software is an ideal tool for processing your images – try it!

High resolution images are available on application from Trevor Wilkins.

This will enable you to make enlargements…..up to A0 - or larger!

The photographer retains all rights to the images which may not be copied, published in whatsoever format or used for commercial purposes without the written consent from Trevor Wilkins and the payment of a licence fee.

You are most welcome to use them for your personal use/web as long as the photographer is credited for this.

Name _________________________________________________


Cell No ___________________Email_________________________

Please re write your email address!___________________________

Number of CD’s ___ @ R200.00each__________

Plus R15.00 ea Post/Pkg….Total amount paid R__________

CD’s can be collected from my office, 15 Welgemeend Street Gardens, or posted to your address

Trevor Wilkins - PiX in Action - - 082 490 7097

Fax 088 021 424 6625

Please use your name as a reference in the EFT
I will provide banking details by email.
Please fax/email your order together with proof of payment – add the Postage if you wish to have the CD posted to you. Or you can hand your order to me during the event.
Suggest you print out his page, complete and fax or email.